authorize script

Authorize Script

In this step, you will authorize the Google apps script to execute using your Google account.

1. Try to run the function named "debug_run".

  • In your Google Apps Script editor, select the file named

  • Be sure that the script named "debug_run" is selected in the "file to run" drop-down.

  • Click the run button.

    This will open a dialog box similar to the following; click the "Review Permissions" button.

2. Authorize the script. 

  • When you clicked the "Review permission" Button in the prior step, you will see the following message, click on the google account you want to use to grant the script permissions to run.  This is almost certainly the first one listed.

  •  This will display a message indicating that Google has not verified the app. Click on "Advanced" link.

  • Click on the "Go to three-tier (unsafe)" link

  • Click "Allow" to grant permissions to the script.

3. Verify that the script is correctly configured. 
  • Click the run button.

  • If everything is configured correctly, you should see output similar to the following.  Notice that you have accessed data from the Airtable base: